First Click Sales Velocity Report

This article is for media buyers to understand the duration between the first click made by a prospect and the first purchase by that lead. That duration is the measurement period needed to evaluate paid media awareness campaigns.

multi touch marketing attribution software

Why You Need This

You need to know how long your sales cycle is. This report allows you to know this for sure, based on your data, rather than on gut instinct. It also allows you to see the differences in sales cycles based on how your customers first found you - very often, different sources and audiences will become customers at much different sales cycle durations.

The measurement period of a campaign that is at the top of the funnel is dependent on how long it takes leads, on average, to buy.  This report will let you know how long your leads are taking to buy - so that you don't turn off or dismiss a top of the funnel marketing campaign that simply needs time to ROI based on your past conversion times.


Common Marketing Optimization Scenarios that First Click Sales Velocity Can Solve

  • How long should it take for my top of the funnel lead generation campaigns to ROI?
  • Are different traffic sources driving clicks to first time customers faster or slower than my averages?
  • How long do my prospects take to close?
  • Did my marketing & sales funnel changes lead to a faster time to sale for new prospects?

How to use the First Click Sales Velocity Report

 Simply click on the Predictive Behaviors report menu option.  The First Click Sales Velocity report will load up, it is the bottom-left report on the screen.

Use the filters to assess new lead sales velocity differences by traffic sources or different time periods.

Marketing Optimization Tips

smaller captain wicked pointing to rightHow long do my prospects take to close?
The report loads up with this information without any need to manipulate the report. For each time range listed in the Order Date - Optin Date”, the number of sales conversions are how many optins made their first purchase within that time range. And you can see how that number compares to the % of your total optins and of the first-time purchasers.
Which marketing source is faster or slower to close sales?
Select the source from the Source drop-down and then report will only show data from optins from the selected Source during the selected time frame.
smaller captain wicked pointing to rightDid my sales funnel changes lead to faster sales?
Select the time frame before you made your sales funnel changes and view the sales velocity data. Then select the time frame since you made the sales funnel changes and view the sales velocity data. Hope the changes led to faster sales!
Did a particular marketing campaign lead to faster sales?
Select the campaign from the Campaign drop-down and then report will only show data from first clicks from the selected Campaign during the selected time frame.


This report should provide insights after Wicked Reports starts collecting click data.  The First Click Sales Velocity report only includes sales where a first click has been tracked.  You should not expect to see lots of data in this report until enough Sales have occurred where a first click has been tracked.  Depending on your sales cycle, this could be days or weeks.