How to Use FunnelVision

FunnelVision is the most popular report in Wicked Reports. It is used to create customizable views of your data to find & share performance with your team.

  1. When should I use Funnel Vision?
  2. How do I use Funnel Vision?
  3. Revenue Breakdown
  4. FunnelVision Grid
  5. Facebook Platform Columns
  6. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

When should I use the Funnel Vision Report?

FunnelVision is the most popular report inside of Wicked Reports, 90% of your time in Wicked Reports will be spent in this report.

FunnelVision is most commonly used to review:
1. High-level, customizable performance reports that you can share with your boss or client.

2. Performance reports broken down by Strategy or Initiative so you can communicate areas of opportunity with your team.

How do I use the Funnel Vision Report?


FunnelVision allows you to filter on every available column in the FunnelVision Grid using complex And/Or with filter grouping logic.

Important: Filtering is applied at the lowest level columns you're displaying

Example:  For Facebook, you're looking at Campaign level data and only see the Campaign column, then all filters are applied at the Campaign level.  If you added the Ad Set Column, then all filters will be applied at the Ad Set level.

Using Attribution Settings

Attribution Settings is how your report will be generated.  FunnelVision offers a variety of Attribution Settings.

Report By:

  • Click Date

Report by Click Date pinpoints the clicks that took place during your chosen Date Range and associates them with subsequent sales.

These sales are categorized in two distinct ways. If a sale transpired within the selected date range, it's labeled as a "Date Range" sale. On the other hand, sales that materialized up to 90 days after the chosen date range, are classified as "Future Sales."


  • Conversion Date

Report by Conversion Date takes the orders from the selected date range and finds all the clicks from across the entire customer journey so that credit can be divided up as requested.

Google calls this "By Conv. time"


Attribution Model

When reporting by Conversion Date, you will select the Attribution Model that best fits your needs

Full Funnel:  Full Funnel takes the orders from the selected date range and finds all the clicks from across the entire customer journey so that credit can be divided up amongst all relevant clicks from the Top of Funnel (TOF), Middle of Funnel (MOF) and Bottom of Funnel (BOF) for each order.  All those important clicks that would have gotten lost in the attribution black hole are now able to show value to ad buyers.

This is recommended when doing full funnel analysis, regardless of how long ago the clicks may have occurred.  

You can ask a question similar to "In March, I had 500 sales, where did those sales come from?" or "I want to know which Top of Funnel campaigns had a hand in driving the sales I got this month".

Or ANY Combination of

First Click: Only report sales against a given Campaign, Ad Set, etc. if it was the customer's first tracked click.

First Optin: Only report sales against a given Campaign, Ad Set, etc. if it was the customer's last click prior becoming a contact in your CRM.
Last Click: Only report sales against a given Campaign, Ad Set, etc. if it was the customer's last click prior a Sale.

Re-Optin: Only report sales against a given Campaign, Ad Set, etc. if customer re-opted in as a Lead at some point prior to placing a Sale, because of that Campaign, Ad Set, etc.

  • For Full Impact or Linear models, select all 4 Attribution Models.

  • For a version of U-Shaped Attribution, select First Click and Last Click.  This means a Campaign, Ad Set, etc. will get credit for a Sale if it was the very first click or the very last click prior to a sale.


If Selecting Full Funnel or more than one of the four Attribution Models, you will need to select your Revenue Breakdown

  • Linear (a more strict view of your data)

When using Full Funnel, Linear Revenue Breakdown will divide a sale by ALL eligible clicks found in the Top of Funnel (TOF), Middle of Funnel (MOF) and Bottom of Funnel (BOF).  

If there are 5 eligible clicks across the customer journey from first click to purchase, then every one those clicks will get .2 (20%) of the sale.

When Using any combination of the four other Attribution Model options, Linear Revenue Breakdown will divide a sale by the number of clicks found with those models.

For example: If you selected First Click and Last Click Models and a Facebook Campaign was a Customer's First Click and a Google Campaign was the Last Click prior to a sale, both the Facebook Campaign and the Google Campaign will get .5 (one Half) of the sale.

  • Full Impact (a more optimistic view of your data)

When using Full Funnel, Full Impact Revenue Breakdown will give an entire sale to ALL eligible clicks found in the Top of Funnel (TOF), Middle of Funnel (MOF) and Bottom of Funnel (BOF).  

If there are 5 eligible clicks across the customer journey from first click to purchase, then every one those clicks will get 1 (100%) sale.

When Using any combination of the four other Attribution Model options, Full Impact Revenue Breakdown will give an entire sale to each of the clicks found with those models.

For example: If you selected First Click and Last Click Models and a Facebook Campaign was a Customer's First Click and a Google Campaign was the Last Click prior to a sale, both the Facebook Campaign and the Google Campaign will get 1 (100%) of the sale.


View-Through Confidence

View-Through conversions are the 1-day view-through conversions we pull in directly from Facebook.    We do NOT calculate these conversions.  

We do NOT calculate these conversions.  Facebook still makes them available through their API and we get them directly from there. 

You can decide what percentage of the Facebook View-Through Conversions will be included in your Sales, Revenue, Customers and other relevant calculations

  • 100% (Optimistic)
  • 75%
  • 50% (Balanced)
  • 25%
  • 0% (Strict)


Meta Purchases

Facebook reported Meta Purchase data is available in your FunnelVision Report.  You have the option to include Meta Purchases and Meta Purchase conversion values in your Total Sales, Total Revenue, Customers and CAC calculations.  

Include: Meta Purchases will be included in Total Sales, Total Revenue, Customers and CAC calculations.

Exclude: Meta Purchase columns will still show the Meta Purchases you've received, they will simply NOT be included in Total Sales, Total Revenue, Customer and CAC calculations

NOTE: Meta Purchases are likely already reported in your overall Sales and Revenue, so including them will likely result in overcounting overall sales, revenue and customers.


Custom Conversions

Custom Conversions refer to event conversions that you track independently and then manually upload into Wicked Reports. They serve as a way to track specific non-purchase events along your customer journey within Wicked Reports, such as booked meetings, demos, etc... After you've sent in these custom conversions, you'll be able to review the number of events that were driven by your ad campaigns.

You can select to display up to 3 custom conversion values (along with their cost per) in the Grid at any time.  


Organic Clicks

If you have selected to Ignore Organic Clicks, the entire report will ignore Organic clicks for.  All reporting on the screen will "pretend" that any of the Organic clicks NEVER occurred.  

When viewing "Overall" and seeing all channels, if Ignoring Organic clicks, there will NOT be an Organic Channel.

    • Linear attribution will be more impacted by including Organic clicks because there will be more clicks to divide every order by.  We recommend ignoring organic clicks.



Gross will include all sales, revenue and customers before removing discounts, failed payments and refunds. 

Net will show show sales, revenue and customers after removing discounts, failed payments and refunds


Recurring Subscription Revenue

A New Subscription Payment is the first (1st) Payment on a New Subscription

A Recurring Subscription is payment number 2 and beyond for a subscription.  Any subscription payment after the first one is considered a recurring subscription payment.

If Include Recurring subscription Revenue, the reports will include sales and revenue from both New and Recurring subscription payments.

If Exclude Recurring subscription Revenue, the report will exclude all recurring subscription sales and payments.  Only New Subscriptions are included.

Using Views

Views are the cornerstone of speeding up your data analysis within Wicked Reports.  A View is a saved version of a report.  Each View is a collection of saved Filters, Attribution Settings and Grid Columns.

You can create as many views as you like, either from scratch or from our helpful templates.

Views can be Pinned for easy and quick access


New Customer Value Chart

There are two options for the New Customer Value Chart.

1. Date Range

Date Range takes all the New Customers acquired during the selected Date Range and provides a 30, 60, 90 Day Value for those customers from the date of acquisition along with the nCAC for those New Customers.


2. All Time

All Time IGNORES all filters and settings to take all of your customers throughout the entirety of your business for which Wicked Reports has imported your orders and customers. It then provides a 365 Day Value for all those customers from the date of acquisition along with nCAC for all customers.

The graph shows the 12 month value of ALL customers in your account (from beginning of time).  It takes all of your customers from the account and plots the Avg. 12 month value after they become a customer.

As Wicked Reports only has Cost data from when Wicked Reports imported marketing costs, the nCAC calculation is done using ONLY New customers since you started using Wicked Reports.

  • Customer Value is for all customers since the first order
  • nCAC is only calculated for New Customers since using Wicked Report

As this is an "All Time" chart, no matter what date range or attribution model you select, the All Time Customer Value chart will be exactly the same 

This chart is intended to give you at any moment, quick access to 1-year New Customer Values for every customer in your account for quick assessment of marketing efforts.

Revenue Section

Total Revenue is a De-Duplicated sum of the revenue from the sales during the selected time period and filters. 

When in Full Impact, the Total Revenue will NOT match the Funnel Breakdown revenue chart due to the Funnel Breakdown allowing the same sale to be counted multiple times across the funnel.

The Pie Chart is a De-Duplicated breakdown of revenue from New Sales vs. Repeat Sales.  See at a glance what percentage of sales are a customer's first sale or a repeat sale.

When in the Overall Channel and hover over the Total Revenue, there will be a breakdown of Attributed Revenue, Facebook View-Through Conversions (if included), Meta Purchases (if included), Unattributed Revenue, and Pre-wicked Revenue.

  • Unattributed sales all the sales in which no tracked clicks fall in the TOF, MOF or BOF windows
  • Pre-wicked sales all sales from leads that were acquired prior to using Wicked Reports

Along the Top-Right, is a breakdown of One-Time Revenue (and Sales), New Subscription Revenue (and Sales) and Recurring Subscription Revenue (and Sales), Facebook View-Through Revenue (and Sales) and Meta Purchase Revenue (and Sales)

At the Top is a Customer aLTV.  This customer aLTV is calculated by taking all the Customers from the time-frame and filters selected and providing an Avg. lifetime value from those specific customers.

Hovering over the Customer aLTV value will provide a breakdown of New Customer LTV (nLTV) vs. All Customer LTV (aLTV)

  • New Customer LTV (nLTV) takes customers from the selected date range who made their first purchase and gives their LTV (lifetime value)
  • All Customer LTV (aLTV) takes all customers from the selected date range who made a purchase and gives their LTV (lifetime value)

Summary Stats

Costs: Total costs based on the selected time-frame and filters

Leads: Total Leads based on the selected time-frame and filters.  Hover for Tool-tip breakdown of New Leads vs. Re-Engaged Leads

CPL: Cost Per New Lead based on the selected time-frame and filters.

Cost Per Lead (CPL) is calculated as Costs / New Leads

Total Sales: Total Sales based on the selected time-frame and filters.  When in Overall Channel, hover for Tool-tip breakdown of Attributed, Facebook View-Through, Meta Purchases, Unattributed and Pre-wicked sales counts.

When in Facebook Channel, hover for Tool-Tip breakdown of Attributed and Facebook View-Through sales counts

nCAC: New Customer Acquisition Cost based on the selected Date Range and filters

  • nCAC: Costs / New Customers
  • aCAC: Costs / Total Customers 

Customers: Total count of de-duplicated customers based on the selected time-frame and filters. Hover for Tool-tip breakdown of New Customers vs. Repeat Customers.

ROI / ROAS: ROI and ROAS based on the selected time-frame and filters.

  • ROI:  (Total Revenue - Costs) / Costs (as a %)
  • ROAS: Total Revenue / Costs (as a decimal)

nMER: New Customer Marketing Efficiency Ratio (Only when in Overall Channel) is based on the first purchase from new customers.  It's calculated two ways

  • Revenue of first purchases from new customers / Costs (represented as a Decimal)
  • Costs / Revenue of first purchases from new customers (represented as a %)

Clicks: Clicks based on the selected time-frame and filters.


The Grid shows the detailed results of the selected time-frame and filters

When using the Compare To functionality, the Grid will show the Up/Down trend information comparing the Compare to Period to the selected date range.

Columns can be hidden or shown and moved around using the Manage Columns button above the grid

Available Columns

  • Channel Only in Overall Channel
  • Campaign name Ad Campaign Name or utm_campaign value
  • Source (hidden by default) Channel Name or utm_source value
  • Medium (hidden by default) ppc or utm_medium value
  • Ad Set / Ad Group/ Term (hidden by default) Facebook Ad Set Name, Google Ads Ad Group Name, etc or utm_term value
  • Ad Name / Keyword / Content (hidden by default) Facebook Ad Name, Google Ads Keyword, etc or utm_content valuev
  • Costs Total costs for the given row for the selected time-frame and filters
  • Clicks Total clicks for the given row for the selected time-frame and filters
  • New Visits Clicks for the selected time-frame and filters are estimated to represent new visits to your site. Fundamentally, this estimation is based on the first clicks from unique IP addresses among all clicks.  There are some adjustments to this logic to increase accuracy of the estimate.  This metric becomes more accurate as we gather more clicks over time. It is recommended to track for at least 14 days before making any adjustments to your budget based on the reported new visits.
  • New Visit % Percentage of total clicks for the given row for the selected time-frame and filters we have estimated to be New Visits to your site
    • New Visits / Clicks
  • eCPNV Estimated Cost Per New Visit for the given row for the selected time-frame and filters
    • Costs / New Visits
  • Total Sales Total sales for the given row for the selected time-frame and filters
    • Total Sales = Total TOF Sales + Total MOF Sales + Total BOF Sales
    • Clicking Total Sales will provide a popup of the Sales details filtered for All Sales
  • nRevenue Revenue generated from only the first purchase of new customers for the given row for the selected time-frame and filters
  • rRevenue Revenue generated from repeat purchases for the given row for the selected time-frame and filters
  • Total Revenue Total revenue for the given row for the selected time-frame and filters
    • Total Revenue = Total TOF Revenue + Total MOF Revenue + Total BOF Revenue
    • Hover Tool-tip will provide a breakdown of One-Time revenue, New Subscription revenue and Recurring Subscription revenue
  • nAOV Average Order Value from only the first purchase of new customers for the given row for the selected time-frame and filters
  • rAOV Average Order Value from repeat purchases for the given row for the selected time-frame and filters
  • AOV Average Order Value of all orders for the given row for the selected time-frame and filters
  • ROI ROI for the given row for the selected time-frame and filters
    • (Total Revenue - Costs) / Costs
  • ROAS ROAS for the given row for the selected time-frame and filters
    • Total Revenue / Costs
  • New Leads New leads acquired for the given row for the selected time-frame and filters
    • Clicking New Leads will provide a popup of the Leads details filtered for New Leads
  • Re-Engaged Leads Re-Engaged leads for the given row for the selected time-frame and filters
    • Clicking Re-Engaged Leads will provide a popup of the Leads details filtered for Re-Engaged
  • Total Leads Total Leads for the given row for the selected time-frame and filters
    • New Leads + Re-Engaged Leads
    • Clicking Total Leads will provide a popup of the Leads details filtered for All Leads
  • CPL Costs per New Lead for the given row for the selected time-frame and filters
    • Costs / New Leads
  • CPC Costs per click for the given row for the selected time-frame and filters
    • Costs / Clicks
  • Facebook Columns 

When in the Facebook Channel, these Facebook fields are available in the grid

for Facebook data through yesterday


    • Date Created The Date when this campaign, ad set or ad was newly created
    • Status (On/Off) The current Status of the Ad/Ad Set/Campaign you are looking at. 
      • The Status is updated every hour.
    • Website adds to cart The number of add to cart events tracked by the pixel or Conversions API on your website and attributed to your ads.  
      • Note: In some cases, this metric may be estimated
    • Meta Add to Cart The number of add to cart actions within Meta technologies (such as Pages or Messenger) and attributed to your ads.
    • Cost per add to Cart The average cost of each add to cart
      • Note: In some cases, this metric may be estimated and reported by a third-party API
    • Website Purchases The number of purchases events tracked by the pixel or Conversion API on your website and attributed to your ads
      • Note: In some cases, this metric may be estimated
    • Website Purchase Conversion Value The total value of website purchases conversions
      • Note: In some cases, this metric may be estimated
    • Meta Purchases The number of purchases made within Meta technologies (such as Pages or Messenger) and attributed to your ads
    • Meta purchase conversion value The total value of purchase conversions on Meta technologies
    • Website Purchase ROAS The total return on ad spend (ROAS) from purchases on your website
      • Note: In some cases, this metric may be estimated
    • Impressions The number of times your ads were on screen
    • CPM The average cost for 1,000 impressions
    • Outbound Clicks The number of clicks on links that take people off Meta technologies
    • Outbound Click Through Rate The percentage of times people saw your ad and performed an outbound click
    • Cost Per Outbound Click The average cost per outbound click
  • Top Of Funnel
    • Total TOF Sales Total attributed sales to the Top Of Funnel for the given row for the selected time-frame and filters
    • Total TOF Revenue Total attributed revenue to the Top Of Funnel for the given row for the selected time-frame and filters
    • ROI TOF ROI for the given row for the selected time-frame and filters
      • (Total TOF Revenue - Costs) / Costs
    • ROAS TOF ROAS for the given row for the selected time-frame and filters
      • Total TOF Revenue / Costs
  • Middle Of Funnel
    • Total MOF Sales Total attributed sales to the Middle Of Funnel for the given row for the selected time-frame and filters
    • Total MOF Revenue Total attributed revenue to the Top Of Funnel for the given row for the selected time-frame and filters
    • ROI MOF ROI for the given row for the selected time-frame and filters
      • (Total MOF Revenue - Costs) / Costs
    • ROAS MOF ROAS for the given row for the selected time-frame and filters
      • Total MOF Revenue / Costs
  • Bottom Of Funnel
    • BOF Sales attributed sales to the Bottom Of Funnel for the given row for the selected time-frame and filters
    • BOF Revenue attributed revenue to the Bottom Of Funnel for the given row for the selected time-frame and filters
    • FB View-Through Conversions Facebook View-Through Conversions for the given row for the selected time-frame and filters (multiplied by the Facebook View-Through Confidence Score)
    • FB View-Through Revenue Facebook View-Through Conversion Revenue for the given row for the selected time-frame and filters (multiplied by the Facebook View-Through Confidence Score)
    • Total BOF Sales Total BOF Sales for the given row for the selected time-frame and filters
      • BOF Sales + Facebook View-Through Conversions
    • Total BOF Revenue Total BOF Revenue for the given row for the selected time-frame and filters
      • BOF Revenue + Facebook View-Through Revenue
    • ROI BOF ROI for the given row for the selected time-frame and filters
      • (Total BOF Revenue - Costs) / Costs
    • ROAS BOF ROAS for the given row for the selected time-frame and filters
      • Total BOF Revenue / Costs
  • New Customer Count count of New Customers from the sales for the given row for the selected time-frame and filters
    • Clicking New Customer Count will provide a popup of the Customer details filtered for New Customers
  • Repeat Customer Count count of Repeat Customers from the sales for the given row for the selected time-frame and filters
    • Clicking Repeat Customer Count will provide a popup of the Customer details filtered for Repeat Customers
  • Total Customers count of all customers from the sales for the given row for the selected time-frame and filters
    • New Customer Count + Repeat Customer Count
    • Clicking Total Customer will provide a popup of the Customer details filtered for All Customers
  • nCAC cost to acquire new customers for the given row for the selected time-frame and filters
    • Costs / New Customer Count
  • aCAC cost to acquire all customers for the given row for the selected time-frame and filters
    • Costs / Total Customer Count
  • aLTV Avg. Lifetime value of all customers from the sales for the given row for the selected time-frame and filters
    • we take all the customers based on filter criteria and get their lifetime values and then provide the avg. of those values.
  • nLTV Avg. Lifetime value of NEW customers from the sales for the given row for the selected time-frame and filters
    • we take the new customers based on filter criteria and get their lifetime values and then provide the avg. of those values.
  • EPC Earning Per Click for the given row for the selected time-frame and filters
    • Total Revenue / Clicks
  • EPL Earning Per New Lead for the given row for the selected time-frame and filters
    • Total Revenue / New Leads
  • First Click Date Earliest date a tracked click was recorded for the given row for the selected time-frame and filters
  • Last Click Date Most recent date a tracked click was recorded for the given row for the selected time-frame and filters
  • One-Time Sales count of one-time sales for the given row for the selected time-frame and filters
    • Clicking One-Time Sales will provide a popup of the Sales details filtered for One-Time Sales
  • New Subscription Sales count of new subscription sales for the given row for the selected time-frame and filters
    • Clicking New Subscription Sales will provide a popup of the Sales details filtered for Subscription Sales
  • Recurring Subscription Sales count of recurring subscription sales for the given row for the selected time-frame and filters
    • Clicking Recurring Subscription Sales will provide a popup of the Sales details filtered for Subscription Sales

Wicked Tools Options

Every row in the FunnelVision Grid has 3 dots which are the Wicked Tools options

  • Tracking Validator Tool to validate the URLs found for the selected row
  • Any Click Search Opens the Customer LTV report using Any Click search for the selected Row
    • Answers the question: "Find me all sales where this row was clicked anytime prior to a sale"
  • Facebook Ad Preview When looking at Facebook Ad Rows, this will show you the most recent ad creative for the given Facebook Ad

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  • How do I make the FunnelVision Report Match the ROI Report?

FunnelVision offers Attribution Settings that will completely line up with the ROI Report. 

    • For ROI Report: First Click, you can select Report By Conversion Date and First Click Attribution Model
    • For ROI Report: First Optin, you can select Report By Conversion Date and First Optin Attribution Model
    • For ROI Report: Re-Optin, you can select Report By Conversion Date and Re-Optin Attribution Model
    • For ROI Report: Last Click, you can select Report By Conversion Date and Last Click Attribution Model
    • For ROI Report: Full Impact, you can select Report By Conversion Date, all four  Attribution Models and and Full Impact Revenue Breakdown
    • For ROI Report: Linear Attribution, you can select Report By Conversion Date, all four  Attribution Models and and Linear Revenue Breakdown
  • When in the Overall Channel using Linear Revenue Breakdown, why doesn't my Total Revenue equal the sum of the rows for Total Revenue column?

This is because we do not show unattributed revenue in the FunnelVision grid.  Hover over the Total Revenue in the summary section and you will see how much revenue is shown as unattributed.  The sum of Total Revenue column in the grid should match what the Tool-Tip shows as Attributed Revenue.

  • How do I see my results based on when clicks happened, rather than when conversions happened?

FunnelVision offers an Attribution Setting to Report By Click Date which will first find all the clicks that occurred during a selected date range and then report on ONLY the sales that came from those clicks.  Click Date mode will ignore any sale that occurred in the selected Date Range, but did not also receive a click in the same date range.

  • What does "Ignore Organic Clicks?" Do?

Organic clicks are any clicks recorded without any UTMs or tracking parameters.  These are clicks we've bucketed into organic campaigns "Direct", "Organic Search", "Referral" and "Social".

When Ignoring Organic Clicks, FunnelVision will process the reports as though these clicks never occurred.  Using Full Impact Revenue Breakdown, there won't be much difference in the reporting.  Using Linear is where there's likely a bigger difference.  Linear Revenue Breakdown splits credit for a sale among all the eligible clicks that occurred in the TOF, MOF and BOF.  If you include Organic clicks, there are more clicks used in the calculation and can dilute the credit your paid ads, emails and SMS will get for a sale.  This is why when analyzing paid marketing, we recommend ignoring Organic clicks.

  • Why does New Customer Cohort not match FunnelVision New Customers (within a channel)?

For any given channel, unless you have selected all attribution models, the amount of sales (and customers) is calculated differently, as mentioned above.  Cohort is using ROI style (First Click First Optin, Last Click and Re-Optin).  To make them match as close as possible, you will need to select all 4 main attribution models in your FunnelVision attribution settings.

  • Can a lead, in the "Leads" summary section, be both a new and a re-engaged lead within the same date range?

Yes. A lead can be both a New Lead and a Re-Engaged lead during the same date range.  That indicates that the lead first joined during this date range, then they re-opted in at some point during this same date range. 

    • Why doesn't the Facebook Columns data match what I see in Facebook?

    Facebook columns are pulled in once daily.  This means that are NOT live.  Be sure to NOT include today, in your Facebook date range.

    Also be aware that when the Facebook data columns were added to Wicked Reports, only 30 days worth of data was imported.  So, if you are going back before May 2023, the data may not be complete.  Note: If you need more data imported, please contact support and they can help you get more Facebook data into your Wicked Reports account

    • How do I compare two date ranges?

    To compare multiple date ranges, toggle the Compare to period option in the filters and select a previous time period to compare.  After you apply the changes, you will see the up/down trend for the data points.  If you hover over the up/down trend, you will see the value from the previous period to show why the trend is up/down.  

    [Click Here To Learn More About Using Compare To]

    • Are Saved Views unique to users?

    No. Saved Views are unique to accounts.

      • Any user can see any view on the account
      • If a user changes the settings of a view, such as the order of a particular column, and saves and applies this change, then this update will apply to all users who later use that view. 
    • Why doesn't my New Customer Value Chart update when I change my filters

    Ensure you have selected the "Date Range" option for the New Customer Value chart.  If you have selected the "All Time" option, the Chart will not change because it does not take your filters into consideration.  It simply finds all Customers for all orders imported into Wicked Reports and provides their 365 day value over time.