Last Click ROI

The last click attribution model tells you what converts traffic to sales.

Last click attribution exists to tell you what converted traffic to make a purchase.   

Last click attribution is perfect for bottom of the funnel brand sales conversion campaigns. 



Think about all the campaigns you have running on all the channels.   You likely have 3-10 different marketing channels with multiple campaigns, targeting, ads, and landing page offers.  Wicked Reports looks at all of them. 

Let's take this sample illustration of a rather simple marketing campaign (that is already complex to model for you in a slide!):


The Last Click attribution model looks back at all the inbound marketing activity prior to a sale from your order system.  The last click detected receives the credit in this attribution model.


Last Click is a 100% revenue credit model.  This means we attribute all future revenue for your defined last click lookback period back to this last tracked click and that only 1 click receives credit for each sale.

For one-time purchases, 100% of the sale will be credited to the last click detected.

For subscription purchases, 100% of the initial sale and all subsequent subscription rebills will be credited back to the last click of the initial sale.

This includes subscription rebills, sales done on the phone, additional future one-time purchases, orders you take offline and import to Wicked, as long as they are sent to us somehow, we attribute them for you automatically back to this click.

Our default last click look back time window is 1 day.  It can be widened to fit your customer's buying cycle.

See Middle of Funnel (MOF) Conversions

When using Last Click attribution, you are able to include Middle of Funnel (MOF) Conversions in your analysis.

    Many times a Paid Ad drives a user to take some action, but an email click or some other non-paid link gets clicked prior to a sale and receives the last click credit.  These Paid Ads end up becoming Middle Of Funnel (MOF) clicks.

    Ads becoming MOF clicks can lead to lower ROI and ROAS on bottom of the funnel ads.  It's common that an ad clicks helps drive awareness and without that click, a sale may not have occurred and you may wish to see this impact these ads are having so you can better analyze what is really working.

    Learn how to Include MOF Conversions in your reporting when using Last Click Attribution

    To learn about the other attribution models, follow this link: Determining the Correct Attribution Model.


    Frequently Asked Questions:

    • How do we prioritize Last Clicks in the customer journey?
      When looking for a last click in the customer journey, we prioritize UTM-tracked clicks instead of looking at the immediate click that is tracked just before the sale. This may result in organically tracked clicks being ignored in favor of the clicks with UTMs. See the example screenshot below for such a scenario.

    last click