Predictive Behavior Reports

We use Predictive Behaviors to develop a model based on your historical customer data to help guide us on how soon cold traffic ad campaigns should be converting into customers.

It's common for prospects to require multiple touches before converting to a customer. Wicked Reports' Predictive Behaviors report analyzes the time it takes to convert. We call this your "Buying Cycle". use this data as a model to help you when analyzing cold traffic campaigns.

Reminder, a “lead” for Wicked Reports is the first time a person shows up in your CRM; This could be by a traditional lead capture, or a simple coupon optin on your site/landing page, or they have bought and now show up in your CRM also.

When to use Predictive Behaviors to Analyze the Customer Buying Cycle

What is my Forecasted Campaign Evaluation Time?

VIDEO: Wicked Quick Win - Using Predictive Behaviors to Discover Lead Buying Cycle & Buying Time

When to use Predictive Behaviors to Analyze the Customer Buying Cycle

Use this play after your historical lead data has been loaded into Wicked Reports from your CRM and your historical sales data has been loaded into Wicked Reports from your shopping cart.  Wicked runs the math on all the cross-platform conversions to give you insights into buying time of your leads.  This will then inform decisions on cold traffic paid campaigns as we attribute traffic, leads, and sales.

What is my Forecasted Campaign Evaluation Time?

  1. Open up Predictive Behaviors report in a separate tab.
  2. Set the date range for the last year and run the report.
  3. The “Forecasted Campaign Evaluation Time” is our recommended minimum baseline of how long a campaign should take to start showing results.

This timeline works for all campaign goals, even if the goal is not lead gen.

If the campaign has not been running as long as the “Forecasted Campaign Evaluation Time”, chill and give it time before making a decision to cut ad spend.

If the campaign has been running longer than the “Forecasted Campaign Evaluation Time”, you can cut ad spend if unhappy with the ROI if that is the decision after running analysis indicated for the specific attribution model.

4. Scroll down to sales velocity.

This is the distribution of all your leads that converted to customers over time.

The wider the distribution, the more impact your first click and new lead ROI campaigns will continue to show revenue lift over time and the longer rope you should give them to become profitable.

VIDEO: Wicked Quick Win - Using Predictive Behaviors to Discover Lead Buying Cycle & Buying Time


    1. What timezone is the Sales by Hour in the Predictive Behaviors report?
      The timezone for Sales by Hour is based on the purchase timezone of the customer.
    2. Why does the Revenue/Order Count not match with my other reports?
      This report is for analyzing leads and customer buying cycles. As such, the date range provided in this report is applied to the lead creation date, not specific order dates.

      It is possible that the lead creation date, of the customers who purchased during the selected date range, is earlier than the date range selected. As a result, they are not included in the customer/lead analysis of a report for the past 365 days.

      This report should not be expected to match the numbers on your attribution reports because it is a different report performing different types of analysis on your data.