Using Google Looker Studio with Wicked Reports FunnelVision View Data

This article will show you how to hook up Google Looker Studio to your Wicked Reports Account. This integration provides you with an easy way to pull your FunnelVision "View" data for ad hoc reporting

Introduction to the Google Looker Studio Integration

Wicked Reports has a Google Looker Studio connector! This connector can pull your data from any "View" built within FunnelVision. Once your connector has been set up, you can slice and dice this data however you like within whatever date ranges you prefer. 

Key Use Cases:

  • Custom Reports
    Ex. "I want my data to look like X"
  • Consolidating data sources into a single dashboard that rules them all
    Ex. "I use multiple reporting software to make decisions"
  • Access control / User Permissions
    Ex. "I want to show/hide information to different users"
  • Use Gemini for Looker Studio to enable AI Insights
    Ex. "I want AI to help me analyze my data"
  • For Agencies, here are some other common use cases:
    • Roll-up reports across all of your clients (e.g. your average ROAS is 6) to benchmark your agency performance
    • Create a Client Success Dashboard to identify client pains/gains easily

How To Set Up The Google Looker Studio Integration

The Google Looker Studio Integration is a quick 10-step setup process. In this section below, we've included a video and outlined the step-by-step instructions on how to get the integration up and running. After you've integrated with the Google Looker Studio Integration, you'll be able to set up the custom reports however you see fit! 


Step-by-Step Instructions:
  1. Within Wicked Reports, create a view in Funnelvision
  2. Within Wicked Reports, go to your Authorizations page.
  3. Enable the API for Contacts and Orders
  4. Now, go to this URL and set up your connector.
    Note: Be sure to use the email address that is associated with the Wicked Reports accounts you are generating reports for.

    Note: Within Google Looker Studio, if you've already set up your connector, then you can find it available under Google Connectors.
    multi touch marketing attribution software
  5. After authorization, you'll be asked to select the account you would like to use for your data
  6. Next you will be provided a list of FunnelVision Views from the selected account. Choose your view and press Next.
  7. Now, press Connect.
  8. Once you click the CONNECT button at the top right, you will be shown all the available columns for the data source.
    1. Notice one very important field: dataSet.  This column will either say "summary" or "grid".  All rows with a dataSet=grid means the data is from the grid results of the View.  All rows with a dataSet=summary means the data is from the summar results of the View.  You will need to set up filters in your report to ensure you're using the correct rows or your data will be inaccurate.

  9. Now, You'll see all the fields and their data types provided by the data connector.  Simply click the "Create Report" at the top right to get started with your custom report.create-report
  10. That's it. You've completed your connection! Now you can start building your Custom Report!


  1. Can I connect more than one Wicked Reports account to my report?
    Yes!  You can create as many data sources as you like.  Those data sources can be from as many accounts as you choose.  All the matters is the email address you use, must have access to those Wicked Reports accounts.
  2. How come the Connector Fails when I attempt to select my Wicked Reports account
    For the Google Looker Studio connector to work, you must first Enable the API for the account.  Go to the Authorizations screen, Enable the API for Contacts and Orders and try again.
  3. Why do you offer Grid and Summary?
    When utilizing Full Impact or Full Funnel Attribution in FunnelVision reporting, data deduplication is performed in the summary section of the report. This means that simply summarizing the Grid data will not provide the same summarized data points. To accurately replicate the data shown in FunnelVision with Full Impact or Full Funnel, it is recommended to use the appropriate summary or grid rows in the data source to populate your report.
  4. Why does my report fail to load or timeout?
    1. Google Looker studio has a limitation where the datasource cannot run for more than 6 minutes.  Since your data source is based on a View, the data source is attempting to pull in the same data.  If you have a large amount of data or have selected a very long date range, it's possible that the connector fails or times out.  Try updating your View to use a shorter date range or continue to refresh your data.
    2. Data sources in Google Looker Studio are based on Views created within FunnelVision. If you encounter issues connecting to a View, ensure that the View has been saved recently. To resolve this, navigate to FunnelVision, Apply the View you want to connect, open the Filters or Attribution Settings, and click on "Save Changes to View." After doing this, try reconnecting the data source to the View for successful integration.
  5. How come my Google Looker Studio report has no data in it?
    Make sure that the date range in your View contains the date range selected in your Looker Studio report. If your View only includes data for the last 7 or 30 days, but your Looker Studio report is set to display data from 60 days ago, the View won't have information for that specific date range.
  6. How come my Grid column has no data?
    The data retrieved by the Wicked Reports Google Looker Studio connector comes directly from your FunnelVision View. When setting up a View, you choose which columns are displayed in your grid. As this data is brought into Looker Studio, only the columns visible in your FunnelVision View will contain data, even though all columns may appear in Looker Studio.
  7. Why does my Data Source have columns broken into Grid and Summary categories?
    To help reduce the amount of data sources needed for any given report, the Looker connector provides both Grid and Summary data points for a View.  Columns with data from the Grid are shown under the Grid category and fields with data from the Summary are shown under the Summary category and are prefixed with "summary_"

  8. How come my Google Looker Studio Data does not match my FunnelVision data?

    The Google Looker Studio connector pulls in data on a day-by-day basis. This means that if you select a 30-day window, the connector will gather data for each individual day. While this allows for the use of a Looker Studio date picker, it's important to note that some fields may not display data in the same way as the FunnelVision UI. For instance, calculated fields like ROAS, CPL, nCAC, etc., may appear inaccurate because the Looker Studio Report attempts to sum up the day-over-day data, potentially impacting these calculated fields.  For these fields, you are better off with a custom field performing your own calculation on the total values.  You can find these calculations in the field mappings help document

    Be sure to set up the proper filters for every chart or report in your report.  Is the data you are showing from the FunnelVision Grid?  If so, ensure you have a Looker Filter for dataSet=grid.  If the data you are showing is part of the FunnelVision Summary, set up your Looker filter for dataSet=summary

    Additionally, certain fields like Repeat Customers in the FunnelVision UI deduplicate repeat customers over the selected date range. However, the day-by-day data pulled into Looker Studio does not perform the same deduplication process, which can lead to differences in the reported number of Repeat Customers.

  9. How do I optimize my Looker Studio Performance?
    To optimize performance:
    1. Reduce the number of "blends" as much as possible. Instead of using blends, we recommend using formulas to achieve the same outcome. This makes much fewer API calls, thus increasing the performance of your report.
    2. Do not extend past a 30-day date range. Looker Studio has a 6-minute limit to pull data before it throws an error. And, 30 days usually takes a while to digest in Looker. So, by going past 30 days, you will most likely consistently encounter this error.
    3. Reduce the number of data sources. For example, if you have one large dashboard with many data sources then that will reduce efficiency in your report. So, instead, you can create multiple smaller reports that you pull into the dashboard. 
  10. How do I know which Wicked UI fields map to the Looker Studio Data Source fields?
    Check out our Field Mappings Help Doc