Verify Your CRM Is Authorized

When getting Wicked Reports set up, the first step is to Authorize your CRM.  This is the source of where your Contacts/Leads will be coming from.  Once authorized, we will begin pulling in your Contacts on a daily basis.
** Note: If you are using Actionetics, then you will have set up your Webhook to pass these contacts into Wicked Reports in real-time.  This is an extra step that you must take if using ClickFunnels/Actionetics
To ensure that your CRM is authorized, you will follow these steps:
1) Go to the Authorizations section and make sure that you have a successful connection under  Contacts Data.
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You will be taken to the Authorizations page, where you will find the following Contact Source options:
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2) Go to the Customer LTV Report
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3) Select CONTACT / UTM SEARCH tab
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4) Select a date range where you had new contacts added to your CRM and make sure there are results in your list.
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