Wicked Playbook: Cold Traffic Conversion Time

When you understand your Cold Traffic Conversion time, you can better gauge the proper amount of time to let your campaigns run before expecting to see positive results.

Your Top Of Funnel (TOF) Campaigns are targeting Cold Traffic and knowing how long it takes, on average for your prospects to turn into leads is powerful information when beginning to analyze your paid ads.

This process begins on the Predictive Behaviors Report

1. Navigate to the Predictive Behaviors Report

2. Find the Forecasted Campaign Evaluation Time at the top-right

This is our recommended minimum baseline of how long a campaign should take to start showing results.

This is determined by how long, on average it takes for over Fifty percent (50%) of your new leads (who didn't buy immediately) to make their first purchase.

3. Check out the First Click Sales Velocity

This is a representation of how long your funnel takes from a customer's First Click to the customer's First Purchase.  If a customer didn't buy the same day as their first click, this chart is telling you how long they took to buy.

The wider the distribution, the more your cold traffic TOF campaigns will continue to show revenue lift over time and the longer "rope" you should give them to become profitable.


4. Check out the New Lead Sales Velocity

This is a distribution of all your leads that converted to customers over time and how long it took.

The wider the distribution, the more your lead generation TOF campaigns will continue to show revenue lift over time and the longer "rope" you should give them to become profitable.