The 'Cannot Be Tracked' List

A list of use cases that cannot be tracked. Some use cases have alternative solutions.

There are two requirements for Wicked Reports to track properly UTMs on your URLs and the Wicked Tracking Code on your webpages.

The list below are known examples that miss one of the requirements. The asterisk (*) indicates there is a possible solution:

  1. iFrames*
  2. Certain Ad Types
  3. Single Sign-Ons*
  4. Express Checkouts*
  5. Payment Plan Softwares*
  6. Certain eCommerce sites
  7. Social Profiles & Pages*
  8. AppStore & Google Play Store
  9. Ad Blockers
  10. Articles, blogs, affiliate websites, and any other webpage that you cannot update or control*


iFrames cannot be tracked *unless you implement one of these tracking solutions

  1. Hubspot Meeting Forms Cannot be tracked due to no editable javascript. 
  2. Hubspot Chat Box Cannot be tracked due to no editable javascript.

Certain Ad Types

  1. Youtube “In-Display” (understand why)
  2. Costs for Google Discovery Campaigns with a campaign subtype of Product Feed
  3. Costs for Google Demand Gen campaigns with campaign subtype of Demand Gen Product Feed
  4. Google Smart Campaigns track website clicks with no special setup required. However, offline conversions associated with this campaign, such as "Local Action - Direction" events, do not track.
  5. TikTok Smart Creative Campaigns (this has to be setup manually)

Single Sign-Ons

Since you are unable place the Wicked Tracking Code on these pages and/or forms, Single Sign-Ons are unable to be tracked. 

There is one exception, which is if your specific setup allows you to pass the SSO email address into a hidden HTML field within your re-directed page.
For a general guide, learn more here.

See example:


Express Checkouts*

Since you are unable to place the Wicked Tracking Code on these pages, express checkouts are unable to be tracked, with the exception of PayPal Express.

*PayPal Express can be tracked if you implement this tracking solution

See example:

Payment Plan Softwares*

Since the Wicked Tracking Code cannot be placed on these pages, Payment Plan Softwares cannot be tracked *unless you capture the email address on a trackable page prior to (or immediately after) the checkout.

Example: Klarna

Certain eCommerce sites

Since the Wicked Tracking Code cannot be placed on these pages, you are unable to track traffic to the following eCommerce sites:

  • Amazon
  •  Walmart
  •  eBay
  • Etsy

Social Profiles & Pages*

Since the Wicked Tracking Code cannot be placed on these pages, traffic to Social Profiles & Pages cannot be tracked *unless you use Wicked Redirects.

Example: Ads that send traffic to urls or Instagram Profiles

AppStore & Google Play Store

Since the Wicked Tracking Code cannot be placed on these pages, traffic to AppStore & PlayStore cannot be tracked.

Ad Blockers

Ad Blockers prevent all tracking softwares from tracking. Have no fear! The percentage of customers that use Ad Blockers is negligible, this is not preventing other businesses from scaling their marketing.

Articles, blogs, affiliate websites, and any other webpage that you cannot update or control*

Since the Wicked Tracking Code cannot be placed on these pages, traffic to these sites cannot be tracked *unless you use Wicked Redirects.