In some cases, often when using embedded 3rd party forms or checkout pages, it's not possible to place your Wicked Reports Tracking Code on the page directly. This prevents us from capturing the user information at optin or checkout. In these cases you may be able to use what we call The Thank You Page Hack.
Three conditions must be met for this to be a viable option.
- First, the service must allow you to redirect your users to a custom landing page on which you are able to install your Wicked Tracking Code.
- Second, you must be able to include the user email address - and ideally the original tracking parameters - in the redirect URL to the custom thank you page.
- Finally, your Wicked Tracking Code must be installed on the final thank you page.
If you're able to pass the users email and UTMs to your custom thank you page with your Wicked Tracking Code installed, you should be able to capture optin and order attribution info from these third-party services.
Note: If you're unable to pass the email address directly until the query parameters of the Thank-You Page URL, then another alternative would be to pass the email address directly into a hidden HTML input field within the Thank-You Page itself.
How to validate the Thank You Page Hack is setup properly
Follow these instructions: Click Here