Wicked Setup Steps

Step-by-step instructions to integrating your Wicked Reports account, deploying your Tracking Code, and setting up your URL Parameters.


Recommended: Click here to complete the Wicked Setup Steps inside of your account.

Or, continue below to follow the written instructions.

The steps below are necessary for your account to be set up to track marketing data accurately.
Each step can go wicked fast, or take time, depending on your situation.

For Wicked Reports to properly track and attribute your marketing data, we need to be connected to your contact and order sources, as well as your Facebook and Google Ads account.

Wicked Reports can only attribute a lead or sale if we receive the contact and/or order from your CRM/order system so authorizing these systems is an important part of the setup process.

Connect your CRM

    The Wicked Reports' CRM integrations ensure that your lead conversions are real, verifiable, and trustworthy.  Each morning (about 1am UTC) we pull data from the previous day's lead conversions directly from your CRM.

    For certain deeper CRM integrations, we also pull every single email click that occurred, and auto-tag the clicks with UTM parameters that match the campaign and email names inside of your email CRM -saving you hours.

    If your CRM is connecting to Wicked Reports via Zapier, API, or regular CSV imports, you will need to manually apply UTMs to your individual email links for Wicked to be able to track them.

    Here are the native Wicked Reports CRM integrations that connect with a simple one-time 15 second process, and also offer auto-tagging your email clicks:

    HubSpot, Klaviyo, ActiveCampaign, MailChimp, AWeber

    Here are the native Wicked Reports CRM integrations connect with a simple one-time 15 second process also.  The difference between these systems and the ones listed above is that manual UTM tagging is required on your emails:

    Infusionsoft, Drip, EmailDelivered, Ontraport

    Any CRMs not listed above can still use webhooks, Zapier, http post, the Wicked Reports Contacts API, or periodic CSV import to get their contact data into Wicked Reports.  This includes Actionetics, Limelight, and CallRail.  These methods all require manual UTMs for email tracking.

    Connect Your Order System / Shopping Cart

    The Wicked Reports' Order System integrations ensure that your sales conversions are real and the conversion values are accurate.  Each morning (about 1am UTC) we pull data from the previous day's lead conversions directly from your CRM.

    Wicked Reports deep integrations are able to detect gross order revenue vs. net payment amounts, recurring subscription payments vs. one-time orders, and reconcile your attributed revenue against your actual sales for a given day.

    These Order System integrations work after a one-time, 15 second connection process:

    Infusionsoft, PayPal, Stripe, Shopify, WooCommerce, ReCharge, Chargify, Ontraport, ClickBank, DPD, and Sticky.io.

    Any order system / shopping carts not listed above can still use webhooks, Zapier, http post, the Wicked Reports Orders API, or periodic CSV import to get their contact data into Wicked Reports.  These methods all require extra work if subscriptions are involved.

    Connect Facebook Ad Account(s)

    Connecting your Facebook ad account to Wicked Reports will allow us to import costs and auto-tag ad links for easy and accurate tracking.

    The Facebook connection process is a 30 second process.  You will need to be an admin on the Facebook Business Manager and the Facebook Business Page.

    After you have connected your Facebook accounts to Wicked Reports, we start pulling in ad costs every morning (about 1am UTC) for the previous day.  Wicked Reports also auto-tags all future ads created with the correct ad identification IDs.

    There is an optional setting to decide on when you first connect Facebook to Wicked Reports

    You can optionally turn on Facebook Auto-Tracking for all existing ads in your Facebook account. Wicked Reports will then attempt to update all ads with the correct WickedIDs for tracking.

    For ads with a lot of social proof (likes, comments, and shares), Wicked Reports has worked with Facebook directly to minimize the risk of losing that social proof.  However, if you have ads with a massive amount of social proof, it is safest to manually update those ads with this processhttps://help.wickedreports.com/update-a-facebook-ad-without-losing-social-proof BEFORE you turn on auto-tracking.

    Your Facebook ad URLs need the Wicked tracking code installed on the pages to read the incoming Wicked IDs or UTMs from your ad clicks.

    Connect Google Ad Account(s)

    Wicked Reports needs to connect to your Google Ads account to add tracking to your ads and import costs from Google Ads. You will need to be an admin on the Google Ads account. 

    This one-time, 30 second process will also apply the Wicked Reports tracking template to your Google Ads account. This insures that all link clicks have the correct ad IDs and UTMs on the link click so that Wicked Reports can properly attribute your Google ad clicks.

    Your Google ad URLs need the Wicked tracking code installed on the pages to read the incoming Wicked IDs or UTMs from your ad clicks.

    Add proper UTM Tracking to Emails

    To get the most our of Wicked Reports, we highly recommend setting up proper tracking on marketing emails you send to leads and customers, when trying to drive sales.

    For all email systems which are not adding UTM tracking parameters automatically (See Section above on "Connect Your CRM"), you will want to ensure UTM tracking parameters are added to all links in all of your emails.

    Please be sure to include tracking parameters on your regular broadcast emails as well as any automated emails (nurture campaigns, abandon cart emails, etc.)

    Click here to learn about setting up email tracking for CRMs which are not done automatically.

    Install the Wicked Tracking Code

    Wicked Reports needs your unique tracking code on ALL of your landing pages, checkout pages, websites, and blogs.  Your unique tracking code can be found under Setup -> Tracking Code, which is also here:  https://my.wickedreports.com/trackingcode

    If you have a comprehensive Google Tag Manager installation already, you can simply create a Wicked Reports tracking tag and have it fire on all pages, and you're done!

    Shopify stores are auto-tagged with your unique tracking code after you have connected Shopify to Wicked Reports.

    The general process for installing our tracking code:


    You can manually test a URL and see all URLs tracked for the past 30 days with our Tracking Validation report:  https://help.wickedreports.com/tracking-validation

    For specific platform advice on installing our tracking code, see https://help.wickedreports.com/setup#utm-and-tracking-setup

    If you don’t see your landing page/website/checkout platform here, please email us at support@wickedreports.com and we can guide you on where to add the code.


    The Wicked Reports Setup Steps are fast but thorough.  Customers with our native integrations advertising on Facebook & Google can get setup very fast.  Customers with custom CRMs or non-native shopping carts will take longer to setup.

    Once you complete the setup process, keep a daily eye on your attribution health indicators.

    While attribution health is accumulating, dive into the insights from our Cohort and Customer Lifetime Value reporting.

    If you have any questions during your Wicked Success Setup process, please email us at support@wickedreports.com