Add Wicked Tracking to Typeform

The quick and easy integration process to install the Wicked tracking code on Typeform using their Google Tag Manager integration.

Typeform has a very simple Google Tag Manager integration.  We can create a Wicked Reports tracking code tag inside of Google Tag manager, and then our tracking script will fire on all pages after you have integrated Typeform with Google Tag Manager.

Integration Steps

1. Create a Wicked Reports tag inside of Google Tag Manager with "fire on all pages" criteria:

2. Integrate Google Tag Manager with Typeform:

3. Test that the tracking code is installed:

What Happens Next

The next day you should be able to see all clicks sent to Typeform pages that had WickedIds or UTMs appended to the links.

Any leads generated by those clicks should be attributed to the marketing channels and campaigns.

Wicked Reports will attribute any future customer lifetime value to those leads if warranted by the various attribution model rules.