The Complete Guide to Installing and Testing the Wicked Reports tracking code

The complete guide to installing our tracking code and verifying that it will track your marketing stack.

Wicked Reports has been tracking cross-domain traffic, connecting it to CRM and shopping cart conversions, and attributing the revenue across the entire customer journey for many years now.
For Wicked Reports to track properly, we need tracking parameters (UTMs or custom templates) on your marketing URLs, our tracking code installed on your whole marketing stack, and integrations with your CRM and Order Management Systems. We can then handle all the tracking and attribution for you.

How to install the tracking code

You can find your tracking script by logging into your Wicked Reports account and clicking on "Setup" then "Tracking Code" as shown below.
wicked reports tracking code
Install this tracking code on every page on every domain you want to track.
This includes all landing pages, blogs, pop ups, any/all opt in forms, and order forms (I lovingly refer to this as your "Marketing Stack").

For peace of mind, please take the time to ensure that this Tracking Code on ALL webpages. If a page doesn't have the Tracking Code, we won’t be able to track!

This includes: landing pages, blogs, sales pages, etc.

Use Google Tag Manager

The easiest and fastest Wicked Tracking Code installations happen when you already have Google Tag Manager installed on your entire marketing stack. If that's the case, follow these fast and easy instructions: and then proceed down to the "How to test your tracking setup" instructions.
If you do not have Google Tag Manager fully installed across your marketing stack, you will have to install the tracking code across your website, blog, landing page software, form capture software, iframes (if any), and order forms.

Software-specific Tips & Tricks

Without full Google Tag Manager coverage, find more detailed instructions on adding the Wicked Tracking Script to systems you use by clicking on the link(s) below:

No options for tracking code installation on part of your marketing stack?

 If you simply cannot place a tracking code on a portion of your marketing funnel, we have ways to still track your traffic.  You will need to have your incoming link click hit a page with our tracking code first before entering whatever "tracking black box" marketing stack technology you are using.
At that point, we have some options:
  2. Passing certain info to a hidden input form field

These options are not needed often. So, please discuss this with your customer success rep first, and we can help guide you through this if necessary.

    How to test your tracking setup on a specific URL

    After you've set up your tracking code, you'll want to go through some quick verification tests to ensure Wicked is able to track your webpage URLs successfully. Simply follow this article to learn how to manually validate your URLs.

    How to see tracking coverage across your entire marketing stack

    To see all URLs Wicked Reports has detected via Facebook, Google, and incoming traffic, you can use our Traffic Validation report:

    If you are in the ROI report and want to verify tracking on a specific campaign, click on the Wicked Tools menu of that campaign's row.  You can select Tracking Page Validator and see all URLs clicked and tracked from that campaign and re-test if the need arises.

    Tracking Code Troubleshooting

    var s = document.createElement("script");
    s.type = "text/javascript";
    s.async = true;
    s.src = "TRACKING URL";

    Remember, it all comes down to a click with tracking parameters hits our tracking code, and any email inputs or sales are on pages/forms with our tracking code. Wicked can take care of the rest, and we are here to help,, if you ever need us.