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How To Integrate ActiveCampaign with Wicked Reports for Lead Attribution and Email Tracking

The easy 1 minute process to integrate ActiveCampaign and Wicked Reports.

About This Integration

Email UTM Tagging

What This Means For You

Integration Steps

What Happens Next After Integration

How to Verify Your CRM Data

Email Last Click ROI Tracking & Reporting

Historical Tracking Data Pre-Wicked

Facebook Lead Ads - Attribution, and CRM Import



About This Integration

Integrating ActiveCampaign to Wicked Reports sends your new leads from ActiveCampaign to Wicked Reports. This allows Wicked Reports to automatically detect, track, and attribute new and existing lead conversions to the marketing spend on your ad platforms and customer lifetime value from your revenue sources.

Email UTM Tagging

An additional benefit of our deep integration with ActiveCampaign is that email clicks are automatically tracked - no UTM setup required.  Wicked can take those clicks, compare cross-channel against other advertising channels, and determine if email receives credit for your daily sales.  This happens automatically after you complete this 1 minute connection process.

If you use manual UTMs on your emails and Wicked is able to match these clicks with clicks that ActiveCampaign sends to us, the manual UTMs will be ignored and the ActiveCampaign UTMs will be used instead. For us to match your manual UTMs, the format must use be as follows.

What This Means For You

  • ActiveCampaign leads get retrieved each day by Wicked Reports and attributed against clicks and sales.
  • You no longer need to worry about UTMs on your Email Links.
  • We’re going to be pulling your historical email click data and attributing historical emails to your sales (even before you used Wicked Reports)
  • Email click counts in Wicked Reports will match ActiveCampaign click counts.
  • Wicked can generate Cohort Analysis reporting between your ActiveCampaign leads and your shopping cart & order system revenue.

Integration Steps

To integrate with ActiveCampaign, we require that you add your API URL and API KEY. You need to get these values from your ActiveCampaign account:
  1. Log into ActiveCampaign and go to My Settings
  2. Click the Developer menu option
  3. Copy the API URL and API KEY into the Wicked Reports Authorizations
  4. Go to Wicked Reports Setup->Authorizations menu option.
  5. Find ActiveCampaign in the Contacts column.  Click connect to start the process.
  6. Paste these values into the appropriate field in the ActiveCampaign Authorizations in Wicked Reports

Link Tracking must be enabled on your ActiveCampaign email in order for Wicked Reports to track. To enable Link Tracking inside of ActiveCampaign, follow these instructions.

What Happens Next

Wicked Reports will pull all historical lead data from ActiveCampaign to seed your account attribution. This allows us to correctly identify these leads as already existing leads in the event they click, optin, or otherwise engage with your marketing funnels.  We can then attribute revenue to their actions using the correct attribution models.

Each morning at about 2am EST we will pull the previous day's new leads and attribute the marketing responsible for creating these new leads.  Anytime in the future when these new leads buy, we can attribute the revenue back to the marketing that created the lead and update the ROI accordingly.

Once you have authorized your order systems, we will pull sales & revenue data and then create cohort reporting between your ActiveCampaign lead data and your order revenue data.

How to Verify Your CRM Data

Wicked Reports native CRM integrations generally work seamlessly.  You will see the leads inside of Wicked the following day.  To see for yourself, follow these instructions: https://help.wickedreports.com/verify-your-crm-is-authorized

Email Last Click ROI Tracking & Reporting

Once you've integrated ActiveCampaign your lead conversions are automatically detected for attribution.  You still need to deploy the Wicked tracking script on all pages.  After that, you can start seeing which emails are generating revenue! -> Email Tracking and Reporting

Historical Tracking Data Pre-Wicked

If you have historical tracking data inside of your ActiveCampaign CRM, you can get this data into Wicked Reports for use in our Cohort and ROI reports.  Follow these details:

Backloading Historical Tracking Data

Facebook Lead Ads - Attribution, and CRM Import

Wicked Reports can automatically attribute Facebook Lead Ads once you have also completed the Facebook Integration steps.  We can even historically attribute Facebook lead ads, pre-Wicked Reports, following these instructions:  Backloading Historical Facebook Lead Ad Attribution

One older feature we still offer is the ability to automatically import your Facebook lead ad leads to your CRM.  This functionality is available for ActiveCampaign if desired. We realize most people have this functionality built into their CRM now, or use Zapier, but the feature is here if you need it.


  • How do I locate my ActiveCampaign campaign ID?
    To locate your campaign ID, go into your ActiveCampaign campaign and your campaign ID will appear within the browser URL. 
  • Why can't I find my ActiveCampaign Campaign?
    The primary reason your campaign may not be showing up is that you've renamed it. If you've renamed your campaign, then your campaign will continue to show up in the attribution reports under your original campaign name. Try searching for your original campaign name. If you still are having difficulty locating your campaign, then reach out to support@wickedreports.com with your campaign ID for further assistance.